
Bad Trailer Breaks: What are the signs?

Trailer Break Repair / October 30, 2019

bad trailer brakes

ow vehicle and trailer brakes are essential to safety on the road. Because you’re hauling much more weight than passenger vehicles, brakes can wear far faster. What are the warning signs of bad trailer brakes

Watch Out for These Signs Your Brakes Are On Their Way Out

  • High-pitched grounding sound
    This noise occurs when the steel part of your worn brakes come in contact with the rotor. If you hear a squeal when your vehicle is in motion, and it stops when the brakes are applied, this is likely your brake wear indicators notifying you of the need for new brakes.
  • Grinding sound when brakes are applied
    If you tap the brakes and hear a grinding noise, your brake pads are likely worn-through.
  • Indicator light
    The computer system in some tow vehicles and tractor-trailers may alert you when a brake issue arises. The absence of this light, however, does not necessarily mean your system is in good working order.
  • Vibration in the steering wheel
    If your steering wheel vibrates when brakes are applied, you likely have uneven rotors. Warped or worn rotors can be turned and smoothed or replaced to correct this issue. This is more than just an annoyance, as smooth rotors ensure even brake pressure and adequate stopping power.
  • Fluid leak
    If you notice fluid leaking from your master cylinder, you should have your brake system needs addressed quickly. This fluid ensures hydraulic pressure in your brake system. If it leaks, you may not have enough pressure to stop your truck effectively.
  • Burning smell
    The sudden onset of a sharp, chemical smell could indicate overheated brakes, a stuck caliper, or a worn-out clutch. If you notice a burning odor, pull over immediately and call for roadside assistance. It is better to be safe than sorry in this case. If you don’t, your brake fluid could boil leading your brakes to feel completely. 

Don’t wait for hair-raising situations. If you’re unsure about the condition of your brakes, or in need of brake system repairs, schedule a brake system inspection with Ainsworth Trailer Repair today.